Sunday, May 9, 2010

Carsen Benzel's Big 1st Birthday Party!

Carsen's birthday was such a blast.....It is amazing how fast he has grown up! It seems like it was just yesterday that Stacy announced she was pregnant on the way up to Lake Chelan were we ran a half marathon and yes Stacy was a trooper and ran the whole thing while pregnant with Carsen. And now look at him 1 years old! It was fun seeing all his friends, family, and of course the cake eating( which he was not to sure of).

Todd with Emmy

Kel with Emmy

Carsen with his birthday Mohake

Checking eachother out!

Yum Yum Cake Time tricycle

1 comment:

  1. We're so happy you guys could come to the party! Emery is a doll, she's perfect!
